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Common Questions

We know navigating the healthcare system can be confusing. That’s why we make it simple. SeniorSelect is here to answer all of your questions and concerns about senior health care and our programs and services.

The front of the SeniorSelect Center in Columbus, Oh. A senior woman visiting her doctor to talk about her care plan.

Your Questions, Answered

We know navigating the healthcare system can be confusing. That’s why we make it simple. SeniorSelect is here to answer all of your questions and concerns about senior health care and our programs and services. If you have questions that are not answered here, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will be more than happy to talk with you.

What insurance does SeniorSelect accept?

We accept Medicare and most Medicare Advantage plans. Our member plans are Medicare, Aetna, Anthem, Humana, and Medigold.

Which COPC health services are provided by SeniorSelect?

In addition to your primary care physician and medical record integration into major hospitals, you will have access to the COPC network of urgent care centers and same-day centers. Our services for members include cardiology, physical therapy, respiratory services, orthopedic urgent care, emergency room visit coordination, diagnostics, and access to COPC hospitalists.

Do I have to switch my primary care physician (PCP) to come to SeniorSelect?

It is recommended you commit to seeing our COPC physician to experience the full benefit of SeniorSelect. It will help surround you with the best-integrated care.

What is included in my membership package?

Your membership will include the following:

  • Personalized care using our SeniorSelect Life Care 360 Assessment
  • Access to COPC health care services and hospitals
  • Co-located Adult Day Program
  • Educational resources and classes
  • Telehealth visits
  • Care Coordination
  • Same-day visits
  • Extended visit times
  • Specialty programs and classes
  • Laboratory onsite
  • 24-hour access to on-call care

To learn more about our membership program or ask additional questions, please contact us.